
  • About the company

Petran Company (Private Joint Stock) was registered in Dec. 2016 aiming at establishment of a new and modern process in fuel supply cycle. Petran Company is known as the first brand for fuel supply that has the license for supplying CNG and liquid petroleum products including Petrol and Gasoline.

  • Services

In order to improve and develop infrastructures and quality of fueling services, this company has obtained a license issued by National Company for Distribution of Oil Products and launched its activity through the construction of single-platform petrol stations in Tehran. Advantages of these type of petrol stations have improved fuel supply and enhanced satisfaction of citizens:

Small required place for construction of the stations

Accessibility of the stations

Decreased distance to the stations 

Decreased waiting time in queue

Decreased Pollution (Application of Fuel Steam Recovery System)

This company is aimed to develop fuel supply services through construction of single-platform petrol stations in metropolises, residential complexes, and organizations in addition to branding and supervision of current existing stations and improving their equipment and facilities. The company also provides engineering and consulting services for construction of petrol stations to investors and partnership applicants.

Contact Information

Address: No.81, Taheri Ave., Valiasr Ave., Tehran, Iran. 

Tel: +982122054574

Fax: +982122054638

Website: www.oiic-ir.com

Email: petran@oiic-ir.com























Central Office

No.81, Taheri Ave. ,Valiasre Ave. ,Tehran ,Iran